May Product of the Month

ultra_benefitsThis month's selection for our Product of the Month is another favorite skin care product of our clients and patients.   We are proud to highlight Ultra Benefits Creme, a light moisturizing cream that protects your skin from environmental forces which accelerate aging, while also brightening the skin.

Ultra Benefits contains the ingredient lipochroman, which is the highest potency antioxidant on the skin care market.  It protects your skin from free radical formation that causes ongoing skin damage.

Ultra Benefits also contains chromabright, which is an advanced fading component that brightens the skin and helps to decrease the appearance of uneven pigment and age spots.  Ultra Benefits also contains peptides which help to strengthen collagen, thereby reducing the appearance of fine lines.

Ultra Benefits is a great all-purpose product to moisturize and protect the skin.  Your can purchase your own supply online or when you stop by either our Augusta or Scarborough offices.

When lipochroman hits your skin, it  reduces the appearance of wrinkles, evens out pigment and redness, and increases elasticity.  As a result, Your skin appears younger.