Achieving Your Body Sculpting Results Starting This Month

As we have been stating for the last few weeks, April has been declared Cool Month.  For that reason, we have implemented special pricing this month to make the revolutionary technology of CoolSculpting Elite more affordable and available than ever.

Losing body fat is not easy, especially in stubborn areas of the body that are resistant to exercise.  However, CoolSculpting is a FDA approved non-surgical treatment that can contour your body by freezing and eliminating treated fat cells permanently in virtually any part of your body.

With over 14 million treatments worldwide and counting, CoolSculpting is currently the #1 fat reduction technology.  It is not just the #1 non-invasive fat reduction technology either.

The track record of this treatment shows proven and progressive fat loss to treated areas over 2 visits, with maximal effect 12 weeks after the second treatment. Studies have confirmed long-lasting results, with fat loss still evident even 9 years after the last CoolSculpting treatment and even with weight fluctuations.

CoolSculpting Elite works in the stubborn areas that bother people the most, particularly the abdomen, flanks (i.e. love handles), inner and outer thighs, under the buttocks (banana roll), bra fat, back fat, under arm fat, and double chin.  All of these locations are hard to target with specific exercise, and are frustrating otherwise to get in the desired shape.

The CoolSculpting Elite technology uses controlled cooling of the target area to gently freeze the fat cells under the skin while not injuring the skin and surrounding tissues.  The treated frozen fat cells then die.

Over the next several months, the body will naturally eliminate the dead fat cells.  Once these fat cells leave the body, the fat itself will be gone for good.

Additionally, CoolSculpting is relatively easy for the patient and for the person’s body.  Others than the time it takes to do the treatment in the office, there is little to no downtime.  Most people can leave the office and resume all of their normal activities.

Since April is Cool Month and lots of special pricing is available, it is best to call either of our offices as soon as possible to nab a free consultation spot and schedule your CoolSculpting journey.  You can reach us either in Augusta at (207) 873-2158, or in Scarborough at (207) 303-0125.