Why Cool Month is a Big Deal

In our blog post last week, we gave you a heads up about April being Cool Month.  If you are wondering why Cool Month is such a big deal, you probably don't know a lot about CoolSculpting Elite.

CoolSculpting Elite is the cutting edge and innovative treatment developed by Allergan, the global leader in medical aesthetics.  This technology utilizes a physiological process known as cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis is a complicated word at first glance, but its meaning is very simple: the freezing and destroying of fat cells.  This process results in the permanent removal of fat and sculpting of the targeted area.

The newer and upgraded CoolSculpting Elite device uses a specific applicator which will match the natural curve of your body.  This advancement allows more tissue to be treated with each cycle and creates more consistent effects in less time.

When the Coolsculpting Elite device is applied to your skin, the controlled cooling is very precise to the freezing point of fat.  As a result, fat under the skin is precisely targeted and frozen without damaging any other tissue.

The frozen fat cells will die and then will be naturally eliminated by your body over the next several weeks and months.  This natural fat removal will result in more sculpted appearance over the treated zone.

This process is particularly helpful for areas of the body where fat seems to be stubbornly persistent despite all efforts at diet and exercise.  Many women are frustrated by persistent abdominal fat especially after childbirth, while many men are embarrassed about their love handles and double chins.

Wherever you have concerns about annoying fat, CoolSculpting Elite can be your answer.  April has been designated as Cool Month with special promotional pricing and free ZO product giveaways for consultations and treatment sessions.

Our April appointments will likely book up fast as they did last year.  That is why you should call either our Augusta office at (207) 873-2158 or our Scarborough office at (207) 303-0125 ASAP to schedule your consultation and start your Coolsculpting Elite journey.